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TheraFace Mask
TheraFace Mask
突破性的 FDA 批准 LED 護膚面膜可提供有效的全臉紅光、紅光 + 紅外光和藍光,並添加緩解緊張的振動療法。 臨床研究表明,只需8 週,肌膚就會變得更緊緻、更光滑、更健康,細紋和黑斑明顯減少。*此外,面膜易於使用的免提設計配有可拆卸的防護眼罩,因此您可以治療期間執行多項任務。
臨床證明 TheraFace Mask 可以改善:
. 細紋和皺紋的出現
. 緊實度、臉部輪廓和下垂/鬆弛的皮膚
. 膚色均勻,黑斑明顯淡化
. 皮膚光澤、亮度和健康皮膚的整體外觀
. 皮膚紋理和光滑度
每天使用 TheraFace 面膜 8 週後:
. 96% 的人看到整體皮膚看起來更健康
. 96% 同意皮膚看起來和感覺更光滑
. 93% 同意肌膚感覺更有活力、更明亮
. 93% 的人看到皮膚的整體外觀有所改善
†對 31 名受試者進行為期 12 週的臨床研究期間的感知調查結果,每天使用 1 次預先編程的 9 分鐘治療。 參與者獲得了補償。
. 紅光:有助於減少細紋+皺紋,緊緻肌膚
. 紅色 + 紅外線:有助於減少黑斑並提高光澤
. 藍光:針對痤瘡並對抗引起痤瘡的細菌
. 17 個專有的 QX-Micro 馬達為臉部和頭皮上的關鍵壓力點提供按摩振動療法,以促進放鬆和緩解壓力
- TheraFace 面罩裝置
- 可拆式防護眼罩
- 展示支架
- 轉接器 - UBS-A+C 至 USB-C

強效升級您的護膚步驟 單靠護膚品僅能作用於肌膚表層,而 LED 光療深入肌底,帶來更顯著的護理效果。
擁有 TheraFace 煥亮光采
紅光療法 刺激膠原蛋白生成,每天僅需 3 分鐘,即可讓肌膚更加年輕緊緻。
紅光 + 紅外線光療 深層滲透,促進血液循環,均勻膚色,每天僅需 3 分鐘。
藍光療法 可有效對抗引起粉刺的細菌,並抑制新生細菌滋生,每天僅需 3 分鐘,即可幫助維持潔淨健康肌膚。
振動按摩療法 緩解臉部緊繃,促進眼周、眉骨與頭皮的血液循環,帶來極致舒緩體驗。
專業級護理,零恢復期,每天 9 分鐘,輕鬆煥膚。

Designed with 3x more LEDS than the leading mask competitor, TheraFace Mask’s 648 powerful, medical-grade lights offer maximum efficacy and results in the shortest amount of time.

Full-face treatment
Multi-tasking triple-diode LEDs offer full-face treatment coverage. Plus, removable protective eye shields allow for safe use with your eyes open.

Tailor your routine to your skin's unique needs with one of Mask's quick 3-minute treatments or use the 9-minute preset for clinically backed results.

Revitalize tired eyes and ease tension with circulation-boosting vibration around the eyes, browline and scalp.
What's Included
- TheraFace Mask device
- Removable Protective Eye Shields
- Display Stand
- Adapter - UBS-A+C to USB-C
L=200mm, H=230mm, W=180mm
Device Only: 576g
With Stand: 636g
Battery Life
The battery life is approximately 120 minutes for LED Light Mode and 60 minutes for Vibration Mode.
- Mask: (PC+ABS) & (PC) + TPU
- Vibration Motor: Steel & Aluminum
- Protective Eye Shields: Medical-Grade Silicone
1-year limited warranty
How-To Guide
Getting Started
1. Begin with a clean, dry face.
2. Slide the TheraFace Mask eyeshield into the mask through the protrusions that meet near the nose. Use of the eyeshield is optional. Using the eyeshield can reduce strain on the eyes from the light. If you choose not to use the eyeshield, keep your eyes closed throughout your treatment. Do not look into LED lights during treatment. *Normal use of TheraFace Mask eyeshields may result in redness around your eye area. Some redness is normal and should subside within 5-10 minutes of using TheraFace Mask.
3. Place the device on your face, and adjust both of the Velcro straps to your desired fit.
4. To turn on the device, either Long press the LED button (G) to turn ON LED light + vibration, or the vibration button (H) to turn ON vibration only.
5. Short press the vibration button (H) or LED button to toggle through each vibration mode (Continuous, Breathing, and Wave).
LED Therapy
The TheraFace Mask has three LED light therapy wavelength options: Red, Red + Infrared, Blue. Long press the LED button (G) to turn ON the LED light and vibration. This will turn on the 648 multi-color LED lights around the face, the eight vibration motors around the eyes, and the nine vibration motors on the top and back of the head. Face and head vibration therapy accompanies LED light treatment during Red and Red + Infrared treatment. Only head vibration therapy is available during Blue Light treatment.
When you turn ON the device, it will begin an automatic Red Light + vibration treatment. In this mode, the device will guide you through a science-backed treatment that cycles through Red (3 minutes), Red + Infrared (3 minutes), and Blue (3 minutes) light therapy in combination with vibration patterns, for a 9-minute treatment.
Short press the LED button (G) to toggle through each of the three LED light modes (Red, Red + Infrared, Blue). Each LED light mode is a 3-minute treatment. Short press the vibration button (H) to toggle through each of the three vibration pattern modes (Continuous, Breathing, and Wave). Long press the LED button (G) to power the device OFF.
Vibration Therapy
Long press the vibration button (H) to turn ON vibration only. This will turn on the eight vibration motors around the eyes and the nine vibration motors on the top and back of the head. When you turn ON the device, it will begin on the Continuous mode. Short press the vibration button (H) to toggle through each of the three vibration pattern modes (Continuous, Breathing, and Wave). The treatment time is 15 minutes.
Short press the vibration button (H) to reach the second vibration mode, Breathing. Allow the motors to guide you through a breathing exercise. First, breathe in for five seconds as the vibration intensity increases. The high-speed vibration is your cue to begin to exhale. Continue to exhale as the vibration gradually slows.
Short press the vibration button (H) to reach the third vibration mode, Wave. Sequential vibration patterns will move from face to head during the Wave treatment. Long press the vibration button (H) to power the device OFF.